Hunglock CHESTORIUS 假阳具是一款黑色怪物假阳具,可插入长度为 25 厘米。最小宽度为 4 厘米,最大直径为惊人的 10 厘米。其设计以怪兽阴茎的奇异轮廓为基础,令人叹为观止。更重要的是,我们假阳具中的这个 Monster 可以与 Vac-U-Lock 系统和我们的许多性爱机器兼容。
这款假阳具与约翰逊博士品牌的专利 Vac-U-Lock 系统兼容,可以与相应的捆绑带或我们的性爱机器配合使用。该假阳具非常灵活,可以到达您身体深处的每一个部位,并能参与各种性爱变化。只需一点 Extremeo 喷雾剂,就能轻松插入!乙烯基材质,与所有 MEO® 润滑剂兼容。
MEO ™ 是一家专业的大型假阳具和肛门性玩具专卖店。如果您想购买双头假阳具、肛门塞、振动器、肛门球或假阳具,您可以在我们的假阳具商店找到适合初学者和经验丰富的屁股玩家的各种产品。
该情趣用品由优质乙烯基制成。这种材料具有极佳的柔韧性和滑爽性。此外,我们使用的乙烯基非常稳定,因此您的情趣用品可以使用很长时间。您可以用温和的肥皂和水清洗玩具。为了彻底保持卫生,我们还建议您定期使用我们的 VERYCLEAN 喷雾剂。
Don't wear out your anus thinking you'll be warmed up for this t
Don't wear out your anus thinking you'll be warmed up for this thing !!!!!!!
Ok, mama didn't raise no quitter, but I think I broke my anus on toys leading up to this one, because it just didn't go in. I have a smaller frame, so I knew it wasn't going to be just another day at the rodeo, but GOOD GOD! This thing massive. Quite a marvel and sight to see, which is why I gave it a 5 Star review. For those of you who can fit this up your poop-chute, you have my utmost respect and envy. For now... hemorrhoid cream and a lot of ice cream. Maybe next week I will be ready?
16,99 €
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