欢迎来到佐渡博士的世界,一个跨越界限、重新定义强度的世界。介绍一下佐渡博士的 THUMBS'UP 乳头夹 - 将乳头刺激和束缚奇妙结合的终极 BDSM 配件。
佐渡博士的 THUMBS'UP 乳夹--探索乳头刺激的新境界!
佐渡博士的 THUMBS'UP 乳头夹不仅仅是一个普通的乳头夹。它是支配与服从相互作用的真正革命。通过强烈的乳头刺激和复杂的拇指固定,您的下一次 BDSM 会话将更加激烈和刺激。想象一下,你的伴侣的双手被直接绑在敏感的乳头上。每一个动作都会立即受到强烈的拉扯和掐捏的惩罚。这种独特的功能强化了顺从的感觉,让支配者完全控制伴侣,而顺从者则一直处于甜蜜的痛苦之中。THUMBS'UP 乳头夹是任何想要挑战极限、体验全新刺激的人的终极配件。THUMBS'UP 乳头夹的秘密不仅在于其双重功能,还在于其高品质的做工。乳头夹由最好的不锈钢制成,质量经久耐用,能给乳头带来强烈的刺激感。它的重量更能强化这种感觉,让每一次触摸和运动都更加强烈。因此,THUMBS'UP 乳头夹不仅仅是一个 BDSM 工具,它还是一个难忘时刻的承诺,是任何寻求特殊乳头刺激的人的必备之物。
佐渡博士的 THUMBS'UP 乳头夹--在 "乳头游戏 "中释放您最强烈的幻想!
无论您是乳头刺激的新手还是经验丰富的行家,在 MEO BDSM Shop,您都能找到完美的乳夹选择,享受难忘的快感时刻。我们的产品都经过精挑细选,质量上乘,为您带来最佳体验。请从我们丰富的产品系列中选择最适合您个人喜好的乳夹。
Absolut empfehlenswert!
Als Mann kann ich sagen, dass die THUMBS'UP Nippelklemme von Dr. Sado ein absolutes Highlight für unsere BDSM-Sessions ist. Wenn ich die Klemme bei meiner Frau anwende, wird sie unglaublich geil, besonders wenn ich sie von hinten nehme. Die Daumenfixierung sorgt für eine extrem intensive Nippelstimulation, die sie in süße Qualen versetzt. Der Edelstahl und das zusätzliche Gewicht verstärken das Gefühl noch. Die Qualität ist erstklassig und die schnelle Lieferung war ein zusätzlicher Pluspunkt. Absolut empfehlenswert!
THUMBS'UP Nipple Clamp
The THUMBS'UP Nipple Clamp is simply amazing! This tool takes nipple stimulation to a whole new level. The clever thumb fastening provides an incredibly intense and arousing experience where every movement is instantly felt. And the fast shipping to Copenhagen was a pleasant surprise. A must have for anyone looking to make their BDSM sessions more intense and exciting!
Cool idea, design needs rework
This toy is a great, devious idea and the kind of challenge that subs love - theoretically. Practically, there are two issues. First of all, while the thumb is well arrested by the clamp, the other fingers are free to do mischief - in particular, to unscrew all the screws and thus liberate the sub in no time. To prevent this, one needs to tie up the other four fingers - the only solution I found was to wrap them in duct tape. It´s doable but not quite that elegant. The other and even more fundamental problem: the grip of the nipple clamp is created by tightening the screws. As any experienced top would no, screws tend to loosen a bit over time while body parts tend to wiggle around and over time tend to get free. The result: after 5-10 minutes the nipple clamps will come lose. This is aided by the surface area of the clamp - the riffles are orthogonal to the body, which means that they would resist movement to the right or left (which would not be any concern) but don´t really resist slipping forward and off the nipples. Finally, the choice of wing screws is "sub"optimal because the clamp will sit tight against the sub's body and screwing the wing screws therefore will require bending the nipple away from the body which isn't exactly helping the procedure to firmly position the clamps as close to the body as possible. Feedback to Dr. Sado: You need to go back to the design board to address these issues! In the end, clamps with a spring would work much better, and you either need to accompany these clamps with a special fist mitt that has an opening for the thumb - or attach a D-ring to the nipple clamps where traditional fist mitts with a D-ring can be attached.
Sind echt top
Die Nippelklemmen sind mega gut verarbeitet und lassen sich gut anpassen. Benutze sie echt gerne.
Wunderbar pevers
Genau solche Produkte liebe ich! Außergewöhnliche BDSM-Toys, top vearbeitet und sorgen immer für eine Überraschung bei meinem Sub!
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